Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Fava Beans Up Up Up

Fava beans (broad beans in Europe) are very tasty, large beans that grow in the cool part of the spring. In cooler, milder climates they can grow over the winter and so can be fall planted. Here in upstate New York we plant them in very early spring (around the Equinox).

This is a pic of our two week old fava beans starts - variety is "Aqua Dulce" from Bountiful Gardens. Very nice, vigorous as h*ll, they need warmth to germinate (more than 70F), but we just put them under the cool tubes and they popped up pretty fast. Hardening them off this week, planting them out this weekend with some plastic protection.

I love the branching and extra leaves that are sprouting lower down the stem. Very interesting - they like to become "shrub-like" and about 3 feet tall. We want them for the beans... to make some super-yummy food like this:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't believe I have ever eaten Fava beans, but i am interested in possibly starting some in my garden, can you tell me what they taste like please?