Saturday, February 09, 2008

Halfway There (and so it gets confusing)

It was a "happy/sad" day - Carol posted an online ad on Craigslist for Phoebe and her two boys and got a couple of nibbles (ironic term given that Phoeb and her sons are notorious nibblers). The first prospective buyer came today and she bought all three. I mean, woohoo, the three go as a family (Phoebe is the lowest dominant adult doe and her boys are pretty constant companions) and the buyer seems very nice. Phoebe did not really fit in with the other goats. But she and her boys had the sweetest personalities in the barn.


Sad side - so far, we really haven't found anyone (OK, Eric and Sharon are the only ones) who are interested in goats for any real "home dairy" or sustainable living reasons. Hell, we have found two people interested in eating any goats we butcher. There have been several interested in pet goats, yes, there have been several folks there. But not really on the dairy side. That is a bummer because that is why we started doing it. Carol thinks this may be our lot in the "dairy goat hierarchy" since we are
  1. not a top tier breeder,
  2. not in a region with established Nigerians,
  3. and not breeding a full-size goat (that people expect to milk).
Still, we have more web presence than any other Nigie breeder in the Capital District, so maybe we can elevate the breed and bring out some backyard dairy folks.

- jamey

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