Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Why Can't WE Feed Children So Well???

So, there I am cruising to work on President's Day - enjoying the pleasantly empty roads as most folks had the day off.  And then, this story comes on NPR

Quotes of Note here:
  1. "In Paris, hot meals are prepared on the premises of each of the city's 270 public day care facilities.  Nothing is mass produced, ingredients are more often fresh than frozen..."
  2. "Most of the kids eat nearly everything."
  3. "Presentation is very important.  Before tasting, they look.  So, when you see somthing nice, you want to eat it."
Woof.  No wonder our kids prefer Lunchables - that's what we eat at home, at the day care, at the cafeteria.    I guess we train our "Slow Food"ers from Day One.

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