Sunday, July 02, 2006

Here it is - the new home of the chicks - bumped up from the chicken tractors to a hoop coop - made from 16 foot cattle panels.
Chicken wire all around to hold them in (held on with zip ties), tarp over the top to keep off the rain and sun (held on with bungie cords) And bungie cords to dangle the food and water. Now that is genius.
But wait, there's more! The door is a clip setup from those clips that fit inside cabinet doors - you know, the old cheap ones from the 1970s. But we had to come up with a way to stabilize the door laterally, the "poor man's door" of chicken stretched across the opening wanted to pop back. So, Carol screwed in some bottlecaps to keep the clips clipped. She is soooo smart.

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